Sunday, April 14, 2013

Bob Machler, RIP (Sunday brunch: April 14, 2013)

Just the puzzles this weekend: I have an obituary to write instead of a blog post. 

A good weekend for variety puzzle lovers.

Nathan Curtis offers us a Spiral, and some comments on how he gets the inspiration for them.  Sometimes you encounter words that fit together particularly well, and you think that would be a neat starting point for a puzzle.  Then you just keep building out from there, hoping not to fall into a rut along the way.

The Wall Street Journal has a Rows Garden by Patrick Berry.  Earlier in the week I got through a variant Rows Garden that was a bonus puzzle from The Crypt

The New York Times puzzle (behind the paywall) is a "Getting to the Point" variety crossword by Will Shortz.  Deb Amlen blogs it at Wordplay.  Willz says it's a one-of-a-kind

Cryptic fans are not forgotten.  Hex have one for us in the National Post, but you may need to wait for the solution and annotation, since Falcon is on vacation.  He does have the puzzle itself posted though.

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