Sunday, February 17, 2013

New York Times cryptic crossword solution: February 17, 2013

Look below the fold for the solution to the 2/17/13 New York Times cryptic crossword by Emily Cox and Henry Rathvon.

Then stay a while: Sunday Brunch is still being served, and we have another Hex cryptic for you, along with two(!) easy Richard Maltby puzzles and a Patrick Berry variety crossword.  We also have links to new cryptic crosswords in The Nation every Thursday, and annotated solutions every Monday.  Bookmark us!


  1. Couldn't get SHIPOWNER or ANON and don't understand them at all.

    1. 25a *SHIPOWNER *SNIPER WHO (anagram indicated by "shot")
      Took me a while too.

    2. 24d A|N|ON A(†) + ^N^utcracker + ON ("showing")

  2. Would someone be so kind as to explain 6D EXIST?


If you're responding to a hint request, please remember not to give more information than necessary. More direct hints are allowed after Monday.