Sunday, September 1, 2013

New York Times diagramless solution (September 1, 2013)

Below the fold is the solution to this week’s New York Times variety puzzle: a diagramless by Philly’s own Joel Fagliano, who may now also be the youngest constructor to have a diagramless appear in the Sunday Times.

Get this one?  Come have a late Sunday brunch at the Old Sconset Golf Course.  There are more puzzles for you there, including a cool variety crossword by Nathan Curtis called “Four Winds” (appropriate to the conditions on the links).  It’s similar to the Marching Bands that appeared in the Times a few weeks ago, but more challenging.  Then come back every week, for regular features including the cryptic crosswords by Joshua Kosman and Henri Picciotto in The Nation (link and comments on Thursday, solution and annotation on the following Monday) and a buffet of links to cryptic and variety puzzles served each weekend for Sunday brunch.

New York Times diagramless solution (September 1, 2013)

As the instructions warned you, this one has left-right symmetry, so it was a lot easier than usual to put the parts together.  The black squares are a representation of two people looking at each other, “face to face.”

What this needs is a recording of Lou Rawls singing “Person to Person” but I can’t find one.

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